Info |
The red Low Read II samples were renormalized via pooling and the new MC samples were added to that same pool at 1 ul per sample. This pool was then adjusted to 1nM. The pool of the repeated RMJan22 samples was also adjusted to 1 nM. 50 ul of Low Read was added to 100 ul RMJan22. However, when the LowRead pool was qPCRed, one replicate was much higher than the other 2. The 1:2 ratio might be off because of this. We are running an RNaseP plate to recheck the recalibration of the 7500 qPCR machine. |
RNaseP Check of qPCR machine recalibration:
Recalibration looks good.
Assign reads and otus to samples:
Returns: 15371232
Divided by 8: 1921404 assigned to samples.
Assigned/Total (*100) = percent assigned: ~73%
Divided by 8: 1412494
LRII + locad2: 1921404
Even if all the unassigned reads are from locad2, this does not fix the expected ration of 2lo:1LR.
[508910+(2630678-1921404)] = 1218184 total possible locad2 reads