Info |
Assign reads and otus to samples:
Returns: 25644064 total
Divided by 8: 3205508 assigned to samples.
Assigned/Total (*100) = percent assigned: ~76%
Same as the parsed read count above.
Assign taxonomy
Code Block |
salloc --account=microbiome -t 0-02:00 --mem=500G
module load swset/2018.05 gcc/7.3.0
module load vsearch/2.15.1
vsearch --sintax zotus.fa --db /project/microbiome/users/grandol1/ref_db/gg_16s_13.5.fa -tabbedout LRII.sintax -sintax_cutoff 0.8 |
Reading file /project/microbiome/users/grandol1/ref_db/gg_16s_13.5.fa 100%
1769520677 nt in 1262986 seqs, min 1111, max 2368, avg 1401
Counting k-mers 100%
Creating k-mer index 100%
Classifying sequences 100%
Classified 4038 of 4042 sequences (99.90%)
Convert into useful form: