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In a sequence library’s rawdata/ directory (e.g., /project/gtl/data/raw/ALF1/ITS/rawdata/) I made, to run with a slurm job. Summaries are written to summary_sample_fastq.csv.


Stopped here on 89-3101-22


Gregg Randolph : please see /project/gtl/data/raw/ALF1/16S/tfmergedreads where I made, teton.conf and edited to (initially this was because I didn't have permissions to run the file, so I copied it, but I found I need to make some changes, with are in the * version).  You run the nextflow script with: module load nextflowand nextflow run -bg  -c teton.config. See inside of for other ways of running it (i.e., not in the background). I tried this on pair of input files and one of the vsearch steps in the middle fails because the inputs are too small. But the nextflow script completes. Please have a look and see what you find and can figure out. It might be that some of the input files are genuinely too small.

Trim, merge and filter reads


In /project/gtl/data/raw/ALF1/ITS/coligoISD and /project/gtl/data/raw/ALF1/ITS/otu there are 16S and ITS directories for all projects. These contain a file named coligoISDtable.txt with counts of the coligos and the ISD found in the trimmed forward reads, per sample. The file has the code that passes over all of the projects and uses vsearch for making the table.
