Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Day two

  1. editing misspellings or irregular capitalization

  2. substitution of field separators

A brief explanation of the concept of a file and ASCII text. What role do pipes and the diamond operator play in prepping data for analysis?

  1. capturing data from a complex text string:

    1. on the command line:

      1. cat Pta.seq.uniq | grep "^>" | sed -E 's#.*/gi=([[:digit:]]+).*/len=([[:digit:]]+).*#\1,\2#'

      2. cat Pta.seq.uniq | grep "^>" | sed -E 's#.*/gi=([[:digit:]]+).*#\1#' | sort | uniq| wc -l

      3. cat Pta.seq.uniq | grep "^>" | sed -E 's#.*/gi=([[:digit:]]+).*#\1#' | wc -l

    2. in R … examples with sub() from weather station data

  2. editing misspellings or irregular capitalization

  3. substitution of field separators

Day one

For our first work with regular expressions, we will start with a browser-based tool.  Please bring a laptop. For experimenting with the UNIX tools we will use laptops that run linux or UNIX, log into a remote linux machine (teton), or share computers as needed. Below are the data we will work with.
