Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST) hosts paid data-science internships in collaboration with the Wyoming EPSCoR Program. WEST is a Wyoming-based environmental and statistical consulting firm and a partner in Wyoming EPSCoR's Education, Outreach, and Diversity (EOD) efforts associated with the Microbial Ecology Collaborative.  The goal of these paid internships is to increase trainees' competitiveness for computational and data-science careers in academic, government, and commercial settings.  Applicants must be current students or recent graduates (within the past 3 years) of the University of Wyoming or a Wyoming community college.

Upcoming internships

WEST anticipates hosting 4 data-science interns during spring/summer 2022. We expect a detailed job ad will be posted and the application period open in January or February 2022. Contact mikey tabak over email if you’d like to be notified when the job ad is posted.

Past internships

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, watch past interns give brief presentations about what they accomplished during their internships.