Notes on how the curriculum translated into the classroom
Bestiary from Fall 2018
Next steps with Build-a-Beast:
- Erin Bentleyrewrite the curriculum to be more accessible to teachers with a general background in microbiology
- Erin Bentleyemail Andy Pannell to see if he would be interested in running the Build-A-Beast class in the Fall
- Andy has already committed to a different class, but suggested another teacher that may be interested. Erin Bentley will email Theresa Williams to see if she is interested in running the class.
- Erin Bentley write up a pre and post assessment that can be given to the students in said class
- Erin Bentley has a potential contact at the middle school in Laramie–my old high school science teacher now teaches 7th grade. I remember her being generally excited about outreach and novel teaching methods so she might be a good contact for this. I'll reach out to her and report back.
- Erin Bentley reach out to Mrs. Baas at the Middle School and see if she would be interested in collaborating
- Report back: Mrs. Baas is very excited to collaborate. Erin Bentley will meet with her sometime next week or the following to discuss possibilities for collaboration.
- Report: Mrs. Baas is willing to have us write up the curriculum (in cooperation with her) and then teach it in her class. We found a science standard that the bestiary fits in and will be teaching towards that.
Science Standards that we will be looking to address with Mrs. Baas:
- MS-LS1-4: Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plans, respectively.
- MS-LS1-5 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.