UW courses related to Data Science
Here is a working list of courses that are related to data science:
Computational Biology (Botany 4550/5550, Alex Buerkle)
Computational Biology Practicum (Botany 5555, Alex Buerkle)
Ecological Modeling (Botany 5600, Daniel Laughlin)
Quantitative Analyses of Field Data (Zoology 5500 or Ecology 5500, Corey Tarwater)
Applied Spatial Statistics for Natural Resource Management (Geography 5880 / Ecology 5620, Shannon Albeke)
Techniques in Environmental Data Management (Geography 5050 / Ecology 5050 / ENR 5050, Shannon Albeke)
Microbial Diversity and Ecology (ECOL5540, MOLB4540/5540, MICR4540, SOIL4540/5540, Linda van Diepen)
Introduction to R for Wildlife Ecologists (ZOO 5890 11, Jerod Merkle)
Animal Movement and Habitat Selection Modeling (ZOO 5890-04, Jerod Merkle)
Data Visualization in Ecology (ENR 5890, spring 2020, Joe Holbrook)
Data Wrangling and Visualization in R (BOT 5790, spring 2021, Lauren Shoemaker).
Applied Bayesian Analysis (STAT 4270/5270, spring 2022, Jared Studyvin).
Additionally, there are various training opportunities that are offered on a shorter time scale, on demand and online, or both.
Intro to HPC at UW (Online Course not for Credit, ARCC/ @Dylan Perkins)