COVID-19 models and data working group

COVID-19 models and data working group

As of Feb 5, 2021, for several months modeling and data have not been the limiting issues for managing the pandemic, so this page is no longer being updated.

We used this page for UW collaboration and assistance to the state involving COVID-19 models and data. This page is publicly accessible. To gain access to editing and discussion functions, please log in (request an account from @Alex Buerkle via email to buerkle@uwyo.edu).

Collaboration with State of Wyoming

Our collaboration with the State of Wyoming is on a private page for data science working group members.

Visualizations of national and Wyoming data

In communicating about the consequences of the pandemic, visualizations play a key role. Let’s collect some of these visualizations we find in research papers and on the web (with links and attributions to the originals), and ones we create ourselves.

Higher education SARS-CoV-2 policy documents and publications

  • Financial implications and planning (Johns Hopkins University)

  • Purdue University president’s outlook (21 April 2020)

  • University of Texas president’s outlook (22 April 2020)

  • College Campuses Must Reopen in the Fall. Here’s How We Do It – Opinion article in NYTimes by Brown University president, Christina Paxson

    • This is an argument based almost entirely on revenue to the institution, from the perspective of institutions that are highly tuition dependent. The University of Wyoming is an outlier with respect to how little we rely on tuition, so the economics in Wyoming will be different than this perspective. It does not give consideration to trade-offs or a clear accounting of costs and benefits. In particular, it lacks a clear articulation of what (other than revenue) is lost by delaying reopening.

    • It makes clear that extraordinary resources will need to be used (money spent) to open. Testing and effectively isolating students in quarantine will require resources.

  • Twitter thread with links to many news stories and official documents regarding the breadth of plans for the fall, and the widely varying timelines that colleges and university will follow.

Some resources and things to consider

Publications (news, scientific journals/preprints, and blogs)
