LIMS Testing Notes

LIMS Testing Notes

@Nicholas Case

GTL functionality notes

  • Print laminated sheets with barcoded common suffixes so we can just scan the additions instead of typing


Check Out

  • Having to click the “Add” button after every scan is not desirable

DNA Extraction (Plate)

  • Add some Extraction Kit options

    • DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit

  • I wasn’t seeing this previously, but now after entering a suffix for the new plate in “Plate Barcode” it gives me a warning that prevents me from continuing, “?Positions unmapped”. When I click on “View container” it appears I have to drag each well over in order to proceed. That will not work.

DNA Quantification

  • These files appear to be correct. However, when I use them to upload into the plate reader software, something bizarre happens with the first entry. It is changed to this: Gregg0001. I do not know where those extra characters are coming from, but I imagine they are not allowing the resultant file to pass muster for the next step.

DNA Normalization

  • I think this is just because the previous step didn’t go right, but the “Retrieve and Parse File” button for GreggPl01_Stock did not retrieve a file. This problem is persisting. Though, I have a suspected culprit.

  • The suspected culprit, , is the criminal. I proceeded with GreggPlate03 erasing those characters and this step produced the correct file.

PCR Library Prep

  • This seems to be good

MagBead Cleanup

  • I cannot get this to mark step as complete when I set the 2 16S or ITS plates as going into the same new barcoded plate. It just seems to stall and never mark step as complete.

    • This appears to be because somehow I got my earlier attempt to not error when entering the same barcode for the two plates combined into one. This time it tells me that the plate already exists. I am still stuck here

  • h


  • Add “Aliquot Plate” as a Protocol

    • Create daughter plate from any plate to carry through next steps

  • My CR2600 (earlier model adds a pre and post \ to each scan. Need to find out how to stop that and make it press enter.

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