Profiling and comparing code performance in R

Profiling and comparing code performance in R

In our meeting on 24 February 2021 we discussed profiling and comparing of code running on data.table versus data.frame. Code and timing for examples are below.

  • comparison of multiple versions of R installed on teton (compiled against different linear algebra and math libraries), and possibly with different numbers of threads available (this could affect data.table; when run on linux and Windows data.table uses OpenMP, but on Macs only runs single-threaded; if you figure out how to get multi-threading working for data.table, let us know; presumably the number of threads needs to be specified in the slurm command on teton; by default you get only one thread in data.table in R on teton).

    • In preparation for this meeting, choose your own adventure, starting with the R code below, which we can profile in multiple ways (including time()). Additionally methods for profiling come from Rprof, to which Rstudio has built some interface. Come prepared to tell us what you did, what was interesting, what worked, etc. You are welcome to post additional code and comments here in advance of the meeting. If there is a lot of information shared by multiple contributors, we can move this to its own page.

    • set up an interactive shell on teton with something like, where you replace account with your own. Note that we’re using a bit of memory, more than the default, so we ask for 4GB.

      • srun --pty --account="evolgen" --nodes=1 --mem=4G -t 0-0:25  /bin/bash

    • Assuming you have installed data.table, give this a whirl on your own computer, on teton with different versions of R (e.g., module load r/4.0.2-intel versus module load r/4.0.2-py27; the latter is compiled with gcc and a different linear algebra system, rather than the intel compiler with MKL).

      library(data.table) set.seed(10101) x<-rnorm(10^7) y <- x * 5 + 2 + rnorm(n=length(x), sd=2) myDF<-data.frame(x=x, y=y) myDT<-data.table(x=x, y=y) system.time(myDFlm<-lm(y ~ x, data=myDF)) system.time(myDTlm<-lm(y ~ x, data=myDT))


myDFlm time (user; seconds)

myDTlm time (user; seconds)


myDFlm time (user; seconds)

myDTlm time (user; seconds)

teton: module load r/4.0.2-intel; single threaded



teton: module load r/4.0.2-py27; single threaded



iMac from 2017; standard R build for MacOS



system.time(foo <- subset(myDF, x < 10)) user system elapsed 3.035 0.846 4.260 system.time(foo <- subset(myDT, x < 10)) user system elapsed 0.486 0.374 0.842 ## compare the data.table way of subsetting > system.time(foo <- myDT[x < 10]) user system elapsed 0.126 0.059 0.185 > system.time(foo2 <- myDT[x < 10]) user system elapsed 0.087 0.031 0.119 ## here is an example with grouping and keys > grp <- sample(LETTERS[1:10], 10^7, replace = TRUE) > myDT[, grp := grp] > system.time(myDT[, as.list(coef(lm(y~x))), by = grp]) user system elapsed 1.349 0.176 1.390 > setkey(myDT, grp) > system.time(myDT[, as.list(coef(lm(y~x))), by = grp]) user system elapsed 1.206 0.156 1.349


library(bench) library(data.table) library(dtplyr) library(tidyverse) set.seed(10101) x <- rnorm(10^4) y <- x * 5 + 2 + rnorm(n = length(x), sd = 2) my_df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y) my_dt <- data.table(x = x, y = y) mark( #Using dplyr with data.table (implicitly uses dtplyr) data.table_tidy = filter(my_dt, x < 0), #Using data.table syntax data.table_dt = my_dt[x < 0], #Using base subset data.frame_subset = subset(my_df, x< 0), #Using base with square brackets data.frame_square = my_df[x < 0,], iterations = 1000, check = FALSE) %>% select(-result:-gc) # A tibble: 4 x 9 expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> 1 data.table_tidy 1.25ms 1.36ms 675. 5.12KB 8.19 988 12 1.46s 2 data.table_dt 317.1us 404.1us 2028. 192.15KB 2.03 999 1 492.61ms 3 data.frame_subset 393.5us 640.4us 1277. 493.93KB 1.28 999 1 782.53ms 4 data.frame_square 468.4us 490.5us 1768. 376.6KB 0 1000 0 565.74ms



Speed differences using different pipes:


Goofing around a bit more with R’s native “pipe”. Note that this is just for fun and using this syntax is strongly discouraged as it is difficult to understand. That said, a base R pipe, akin to the {magrittr} pipe is coming.

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