Video Game

Video Game

Erin Bentleyhas been in recent contact with Erik and Sosha and the Viz Center, and they have done a few rounds of testing the game with their friends and other adults. The next step is to set up a game testing time for a younger audience.

  • Naomi Ward(upon return from trip abroad in early July) figure out kids' availability for testing the game
    • Report: The week of July 29th appears to be the best week for Naomi.
  • Erin Bentley Set up a meeting with the Viz Center to do the testing
    • Emailed Erik to see what days they are available the week of July 29th
      • Report: They are available all day either the 1st or 2nd of August
  • The testing went well, and we're working on setting up a second round Erin Bentley will email the Viz Center
    • We will need to move testing to schools to get the response sizes that we want–Erin has reached out to Erik, and following his response, will reach out to the lab school.
    • Erin Bentley reached out to Teresa Strube and connected her with Erik so that they can get some classes in to test the game and tour the Viz Center
  • Erin will email Deb and Kim to see if they are interested in potentially running through the video game with her classes
  • Meeting with VIZ center on the 17th to discuss next steps of game

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