On this page, list ideas that you have that would be worth discussion moving forward. Post it here first and we'll have a discussion either by writing back and forth on this page or bringing it up at a meeting. If we decide it's something we want to pursue we'll make it its own page in the space.
Naomi Ward Erin Bentley Emily Armitage (Unlicensed) Rebecca Austin Sara Griffith
Children's book–I know that Ali Ceretto is working on a children's book and we could either help her out with that and coming up with ideas for activities that she could use alongside it, make up our own children's book (there are a lot of publishers looking for science books, and we could always publish it as an ebook on the website), or both.Has it's own page now- That game where you try and guess what person is being talked about by asking questions and slowly eliminating people based on the answers, but for microbes in the bestiary (it's called Guess Who).
Get involved with the local middle schools–there are several people interested in collaborating on this.This is being followed up on through collaboration with Mrs. BaasArt contest–potentially matching it with the image contest. We can provide cash prizes in a similar manner to what we did for the Microbestiary Image Contest but instead pitch for artists. Artists could use any medium (if it's a 3D piece we can just post photos of it on the website). We can try to focus the proposals towards the entries that don't yet have /wiki/spaces/MIC/pages/251527182, but let artists choose from among them, or we can just leave it open to responses for any beast on the website. We can put out the call now or wait until school is back in session so that there is a larger presence of art students on campus. Thoughts?We can use Student Art League to get the word out, and Rebecca Austin can be our contact/make the poster for the contest–This has been moved to its own page
Laramie soap co–Erin has emailed them–this now has it's own page- Doing a collaboration with Art Loves Science and maybe an art teacher here to do a workshop type thing combining art and the bestiary.
- Reach out to Franco about visualizing their data in a form that we can use on the website
- Microbe musical state–similar to the program that moves over an image of the human body and plays music according to which microbes are there–doing something similar with the microbiome of the state/with some of the data available through the sequencing and other data generated from the rest of EPSCoR
- Can use the sequence data from the grazing study research that Linda's soil micro class does
- State Microbe Map using soil isolates from Linda's Lab
- Cards against humanity expansion–or some other kind of board/card game
- Painting with Microbes–collegiate art class using soil microbes from the grazing studies.
- Wild caught beer at air filter sequencing sites