Art Contest

Art Contest

The idea of putting on an art contest in order to get more artistic submissions for the bestiary was okay'd. We'll start moving forward with this once fall semester picks back up, so this is on the back-burner for now, I just wanted to get this on everyone's radar.

The art contest will have cash rewards similar to the photo contest that was had earlier this year. Contestants will be able to choose from the microbes currently in the bestiary that don't have an artistic response posted yet. We might be able to do a gallery showcase for the contest–potentially in the art museum or the basement of the Union.

  • Decide on the amount/number of the cash prizes, as well as any other prizes that we can put forward–i.e. inclusion on the bestiary website, gallery show, etc.
    • Report: 500, 300, and 100 dollar prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places, respectively. Winners will be posted on the website, as well as runner-ups
  • Decide the date that the contest will close
    • Contest will be held in the spring
  • Make a flyer and reach out to student art league about spreading the word Rebecca Austin
  • Make a page for the website that will have all the information about the specifics and which microbes are available for art submissions
  • Potentially go talk to classes at the University 

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