Trout 1 Re-pool, Size-Select, and BioAnalyzer

Trout 1 Re-pool, Size-Select, and BioAnalyzer

  1. Re-pool in equal parts Trout Pool 1 & Trout Pool 2 enough to run in duplicate on the Blue Pippin (a minimum of 40uL per sample).

  2. Repeat step 1 for Trout Pool 3 & Trout Pool 4.

  3. Pull original Trout Pools to run on the B.P. for re-size selection.

  4. Run new pools, Trout1_2 Pool and Trout3_4 Pool, on the Blue Pippin in duplicate with the size selection range of 325-400bp.

  5. Re-peat size selection for original Trout Pools on Blue Pippin with size selection range of 325-400bp.

  6. Check all new size selected pools on the BioAnalyzer

Bioanalyzer Results