Wagner Sauger1 (1SAUG)
Setup Notes
12 plates plus 32 tubes of Sauger to be prepared via the MseI and EcoRI GBS library prep protocol with some slight modifications:
Cleanup each full pool via ultra purification
Size select for 250-350bp fragments size window via Pippin Prep
Sending Out for Sequencing to Admera
5% PhiX spike
Library 1
Library 2
Check In Samples Against List from Sam Patrick Johnson
Load Submission Data into MISO
Normalize samples and quantify some:
Dilute Super high tubes an additional 3x by adding 60 ul TE
Plate 12 was diluted 4x by adding 60 ul TE; plate 3x by adding 40ul
Both plates and tubes were requantified
Normalize plates with TE on Nimbus
Restriction Digestion
(Keep MM and reaction plates on ice)
Set Incubator to 37 C
Add 3 ul Digestion MM to 32 plates using the 8 channel
Reagent | ul/rxn | rxns | ul needed (1.5x) |
10x T4 Buffer | 1.15 | 800 | 920 |
5M NaCl | 0.12 | 800 | 96 |
1 mg/ml BSA | 0.6 | 800 | 480 |
H2O | 0.73 | 800 | 584 |
MseI (enzyme) | 0.12 | 800 | 96 |
EcoR1 (enzyme) | 0.28 | 800 | 224 |
Total | 3 | 800 | 2400 |
Add 6 ul template to each plate with Benchsmart. Cover and seal each plate, vortex, centrifuge and incubate at 37C for 8 hours. Followed by 65C in EcoBGC oven for 1 hour.
Adaptor Ligation
Spin down plates and add 1.4 ul Ligation MM to each well with 8 channel.
Reagent | ul/rxn | rxns | ul needed (1.6x) |
MseI oligo | 1 | 1600 | 1600 | 220 |
H2O | 0.112 | 1600 | 179.2 | 24.6 |
10x T4 Buffer | 0.1 | 1600 | 160 | 22 |
5M NaCl | 0.01 | 1600 | 16 | 2.2 |
1 mg/ml BSA | 0.05 | 1600 | 80 | 11 |
T4 DNA ligase | 0.1675 | 1600 | 268 | 37 |
Total | 1.4 | 1600 | 2240 | 220 |
Add 1 ul of EcoR1 Adaptors with 96-channel and Track which template plate gets which MID plate.
GTL Plate | EcoR1 MID plate | Pool Plate | Library | Norm to | Sequencer |
1Sauger1 | 1 |
1Sauger3 | 2 |
1Sauger5 | 3 |
1Sauger7 | 4 |
1Sauger9 | 5 |
1Sauger11 | 6 |
1Sauger2 | 1 |
1Sauger4 | 2 |
1Sauger6 | 3 |
1Sauger8 | 4 |
1Sauger10 | 5 |
1Sauger12 | 6 |
1SaugerUnderOver | 8 |
Label reaction plates with MID plate used.
Cover, vortex, and spin plates. Incubate plates at RT for 2 hours on benchtop.
Add 120 ul of low EDTA TE store at 4C for a month or -20C for longer.
PCR Amplification
Reagent | ul/rxn | rxns | ul needed (x1.4) |
H2O | 9.52 | 800 | 7616 |
5x iProof buffer | 4 | 800 | 3200 |
10 mM dNTPs | 0.4 | 800 | 320 |
50 mM MgCl2 | 0.4 | 800 | 320 |
5 uM Illumina Primers | 1.33 | 800 | 1064 |
iProof TAQ | 0.2 | 800 | 160 |
DMSO | 0.15 | 800 | 120 |
total | 16 | 800 | 12800 |
Add 16 ul of PCR1 MM to each well of four new hard shell PCR plates with 8 channel
Add 4uL of template from pooled plates with Benchsmart
Seal, Vortex, Spin down, and then run on Thermocycler program: GBS1:
Temp C | Cycles | Time |
95* | 1X | 3:00 |
98 | 30X | 0:30 |
60 | 30X | 0:30 |
72 | 30X | 0:40 |
72 | 1X | 10:00 |
4* | 1X* | 0:00* |
*pause step
Extra PCR
Add 2.155 ul of the MM directly to the previous PCR
Reagent | ul/rxn | rxns | ul needed (x 1.6) |
5x Iproof buffer | 0.425 | 800 | 340 |
10 mM dNTPs | 0.4 | 800 | 320 |
Primers | 1.33 | 800 | 1064 |
Total | 2.155 | 800 | 776 |
Then continue with the last four unlisted steps for GBS1 from above:
Temp C | Cycles | Time |
98 | 1X | 3:00 |
60 | 1X | 2:00 |
72 | 1X | 10:00 |
4 | 1X | 0:00 |
Pool Using PCR Plates with Assist Plus
Organize plates by Library # above, vortex, and quick spin
Use 4GbsPoolx8
Use single channel to combine 48 ul from each well of a column into a separate labeled tube.
Pippin Prep Size Select (300-366 bp select):
Run Final Product on qPCR for check and quant
Result from qPCR check :
qPCR | Sample | RSB |
load =800 pM
dilute 1 nM PhiX to 500 pM
Run Final Products on Tapestation for size check