Slack integration with Confluence

Slack integration with Confluence

Hi All,

Before DSC, there was a Slack channel used by some UWyo students and faculty that wanted to share information about R and other data science stuff, or just ask quick questions of folks that might be online. I’m wondering if there is still a need for that kind of thing. Or maybe that is just too many apps, etc. for everyone? I don’t know, I’m just going to experiment with this and see what happens.

For those not familiar with Slack, it is more-or-less a souped-up messaging environment for sharing not just text, but files, calendars, etc. This includes integration with things like Confluence, GitHub, Trello, Google’s Backup and Sync. It’s functionality makes it a pretty common tool in data science shops, as well as other businesses focused on managing teams across a diffuse network.

For those interested, the Slack channel is: wy-user.slack.com (WY-UseR!). The only requirement for signing-in to the service is an email with a uwyo.edu domain. Once you’ve signed-in, you have access to a number of channels and conversations that have happened over the last couple years. The default channel is #general, but you’ll have to search for additional channels that might be of interest.

I’ve also added a #dsc channel that is linked to the DSC space. So you should see any updates from DSC in that channel. If you are signed-in to DSC from Slack, you should also be able to interact with DSC content from Slack, which is kind of nifty.