Wild-caught Beer
Wild-caught Beer
We have started a small pilot study with Shannon Albeke, Reilly, and Ayda, looking at how the microbes present in the air correlate to the production of wild-caught beer. We visited two sites in the Curt Gowdy area and had five beer samples per site: three open, one control with no yeast, and a control with yeast. We sampled each beer and took an air sample at five time points, two in the evening and three the following morning and have submitted those for sequencing to the GTL.
As of November 15th, the yeast controls were good and had made good beer, but none of the wild caught beers were ready or safe to test. This is not uncommon, as it can take upwards of six months for a wild caught beer to be ready.
Next steps:
Get sample sequences to see how well the air sampler worked and potentially do a comparison between air and beer samples
Check in on the beers in a few months
Draft up a project proposal to make this a larger project
Shannon suggested reaching out to local breweries around the state to see if they would donate wort to us when we are doing the air sampling/wild beer catching in their area. This would be a good way to get brewery collaboration with the grant, and would save us from having to make the wort the morning of travel.